2013-07-19 |10:31:14 | Kategori:Instagram

Instagram och Keek

album things

Jul 19, 2013| Source: Keek.com

@arianagrande: Pretty strings from my album.. 🎻 strings are by far my favorite sound. You’ll hear this on tour next month if you’re coming and if not you’ll hear it on the album shortly after. 💕🎻
2013-07-07 |21:36:15 | Kategori:Instagram

Ny Instagrambild och Keek

@arianagrande: Love you more than anything but the words can’t even touch what’s in my heart 💕
@arianagrande: Love you more than anything but the words can’t even touch what’s in my heart 💕

Jul 7, 2013 | Vocal warm ups with Eric, mascara faces, alarming people backstage #KeekDiaries by arianagrande on Keek.com



2013-07-07 |20:31:00 | Kategori:Keek

Ny Keek

Backstage moments from Kansas City 💗

Jul 6, 2013| Source: Keek.com



2013-06-22 |11:48:00 | Kategori:Keek

Ny Keek

Jun 21, 2013 | My best friend Aaron approves of the album :) by arianagrande on Keek.com